Blank & Jeron

Joachim Blank & Karl Heinz Jeron are linked by a common interest in the radical re-structuring/re-invention of public space currently in progress. Although invisible to the human eye, the process has far-reaching implications. The works are concerned with those new types of media structures that, as nomadic and ephemeral extensions, graft themselves onto our public spaces, and qualitatively change them – in a political sense, too. The artists strive to make visible the unseen motion in these new urban spaces of transit, to visualize specific streams of signs, merchandise, bodies and information – those elements, in other words, that are in transit through these new territories. The term «body of the message» comes from the field of e-mail communications, where it designates that part of an electronic message addressed to a human reader as opposed to the program code directed to the machine.

3 Responses to “Blank & Jeron”
  1. Esto es como Rothko pero… en versión digital no?

    Me podría pasar horars mirándolo…

  2. Esther dice:

    No me preguntes la razón,
    Si ya sabes cual es la respuesta,
    Desde el momento en que te ví,
    Se a dónde vo -o- y.

  3. juan dice:

    Un Rothko a baja resolución si parece…

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